How Bullying Affects the Brain and What that Means for Students

How has school been a trauma for some students?

School is a place of trauma for many students. The traumatic events at school can have long-term effects on the student’s mental health. They may experience PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

The most common type of traumatic event in schools are bullying, violence, and sexual harassment. The majority of these incidents happen in the halls or classrooms.


The Neuroscience of Trauma and How it Affects Students

The emotional and physical trauma that students experience can have a significant effect on their cognitive abilities. In the case of emotional trauma, the amygdala’s (region of the brain primarily associated with emotions) role is to process and store emotional memories.

This means that traumatic events will be stored in a person’s long-term memory as a negative experience. In the case of physical trauma, when there is damage to the brain it can also cause changes in cognition.

The Importance of Understanding That Trauma is Treatable

The act of remembering a traumatic event is not the same as experiencing it again. This is because, when we remember something, we are able to think about it in a way that is detached from the emotions and physical sensations that accompanied it when it originally happened.

A Coach or a Mentor will definitely be able to help you process and overcome the traumatic experience so that you can move on with your life. They can help you identify what caused the trauma, how to avoid triggers, and how to manage your reactions so that they don’t happen as often.

At College Innovators, we not just help you become extraordinary in one area of your life, but we help you and coach you to master 5 different areas of your life, which include personal mastery, career and business, wealth and lifestyle, love and relationships and health and happiness.

Hear out this story of Apoorva, who went through a traumatic experience in her childhood, having to suffer abuse. But today her story, her success is an inspiration to a lot of people and has been a ray of hope in their lives.


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Helping Students Deal With the Effects of Unresolved Traumatic Events

It is hard to concentrate on your studies when you are dealing with the effects of an unresolved traumatic event. The following are some tips for students to deal with the effects of traumatic events:

1) Identify and discuss feelings about the event.

2) Engage in healthy coping strategies that promote healing and well-being.

3) Seek professional help if you feel overwhelmed by the event.


How can you start your journey to overcoming your trauma and build a newer version of yourself?

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