Dreams Killed in Dreams: The Grim Reality of Girls Dying to Meet Societal Expectations

How Societal Expectations are Killing Our Dreams?

Society has a way of influencing what we want out of life. Society has expectations for us, and these expectations can be toxic. They can make us feel that we have to fit into a certain mold and do certain things in order to be happy.

Society also has expectations about gender, which are not only limiting but also dangerous. We should not let society kill our dreams because it’s impossible for everyone to live up to the societal expectations that are set before them.

The Problem with our Current Society’s Gender Roles

The gender roles in our society have been a problem for a while now. With the expectations that females have to follow and the expectations that males have to follow, it leaves no room for people who don’t fit these categories.

The expectations that females have to follow are being submissive and being a mother. The expectations that males have to follow are being dominant and being able to provide for their family. These gender roles are not only unfair, but they also limit what people can do with their lives.

There is no equality in our current society because of these gender roles.


Girls Chasing Dead Ends to Meet Societal Expectations

Society is changing and girls are now more aware of what they want. Girls are also more educated and confident in their abilities. Society, however, has not changed as much as society thinks it has.

Girls are still faced with societal expectations that they should be thin and pretty. The media is also telling them that they should be married by a certain age or have a baby before they turn 25. Girls are still faced with the idea that the only thing worth doing is getting married and having children, which isn’t true. In reality, there is no one set path for women to follow; there are many different ways to live your life successfully!

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Why We Need to Fight for the Dreams Lost Because of These Dead Ends

Some people believe that girls are born with a sense of societal expectations and so they put themselves in a box. They don’t have the courage to dream big because they think that it’s not what society expects from them.

Girls are often taught to be less assertive, less competitive, and less ambitious. They are taught to be more nurturing and caring than boys because that is what society expects from them. Girls are also often told that their dreams will never come true if they don’t follow these societal expectations for girls.

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